Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Learn Basic Concept Of Adobe AIR For Your Work

The Adobe AIR is a simple, easy to learn and a cost effective technology to existing technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ajax, Adobe Flash and Adobe Flex uses to create applications that run on the desktop. The main air force is in cooperation with existing web applications on your branded rich Internet applications outside the browser that is not necessarily to provide a functional search engine.

Adobe AIR runtime for desktop applications based on Rich Internet that run on multiple operating systems. AIR represents Adobe Integrated Runtime. In addition to the features available in Flash Player, AIR provides an additional API that the development of a very rich and interactive desktop applications in a relatively shorter time compared with most other development platforms do.

The impact of application traffic delivering Rich Internet Applications has proven successful way to increase participation if effectively implemented and developed. They allow companies to distinguish themselves from the competition located in the minds of potential customers. Adobe AIR can easily do just that.

Adobe Air During classes, the companies will have the opportunity to see the intricacies of Adobe AIR to be seen. This cross-operating system allows developers to create HTML, Ajax, Adobe Flash and Flex technologies together in an effort to develop powerful Web applications for desktop computers to create. Adobe Air Consultants provide manufacturers and operators to the familiar tools like Adobe Dreamweaver, Flex Builder, Flash, or a text editor to easily deliver unique applications, a single application installer that works on multiple operating systems to create.

Adobe AIR application allows the development of three ways to create applications:

• Portability and ease of application.

• Adobe AIR, as part of your RIA strategy to increase productivity, improve customer satisfaction, lower costs, increase profits and expand your market reach.

• Enables advanced features and interactivity.

• Ability to local data and files using an embedded database.

• Expansion of the Adobe AIR for Dreamweaver CS4

• Adobe AIR update for Flash CS4 Professional

• Flex Builder 3

AIR has some advantages that you can only get with a traditional desktop application, including:

• Cross-platform application time.

• The ability to run while disconnected from the Internet.

• efficient technology, enabling the development and implementation of rapid and low risk.

• Use existing web technologies and programming languages.

• Adobe AIR applications using their native desktop integration (ie, support for drag / drop, notifications, clipboard support, etc. ..)

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